10 Best Values ​​to Learn from Dale Carnegie - Jobidea24 - Jobidea24 - Learn Everyday New



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Sunday, September 4, 2022

10 Best Values ​​to Learn from Dale Carnegie - Jobidea24

10 Best Values ​​to Learn from Dale Carnegie - Jobidea24

Dale Carnegie is a famous American author of the book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People". He is the creator of popular personal development courses in marketing, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. Although Carnegie died in 1955, his training system, the Dale Carnegie Course, is still available worldwide; more than 8 million people have completed the course.

Carnegie is considered one of the pioneers of the self-help industry. Their training program has been successful, and many international companies have sent their employees to participate in the study, including Audi, BMW, AT&T, Four Seasons Hotels, KPMG, Coca-Cola, Oracle, Honda, and Harvard University, London. There are many such universities involved. School of Business, Washington State University.

In this article, you'll learn the ten best principles that Dale Carnegie shared during his lifetime and the strategies he used in his teaching that have influenced millions worldwide.

1. Be a great listener

Carnegie was a good listener. He believed that he was an exceptional leader. One must learn to listen to others before speaking. In his book How to Win Friends and Influence People, he said, "If you want to be a good conversationalist, be a good listener." According to Carnegie, listening well is the key to successful communication.

Many think being a leader is just about taking the initiative and expressing your opinion. This is only sometimes true. A great leader listens before he speaks. You need to understand other people's needs before voicing your opinion. And Carnegie also said that a good listener is a good communicator.

If you listen carefully, you will understand the needs of the person you are talking to. The only way to convince people is to talk about what they want and show them how to get it. Therefore, if you do not listen to the needs of others, there is no way you will understand and fulfil them.

So, learn to be a good listener. Refrain from jumping right in and speaking your mind like you're the most significant person with the best ideas. Try to understand, then understand. You must understand others before you can ask others to understand you.

2. Increase your vision
Dale Carnegie has a famous saying, "Two men looked out of prison; one saw the dirt, the other saw the stars." But that means it doesn't matter who you are now. , you have to expand your vision and believe in it.

Highly successful people are different from ordinary people because they see things differently. Three men are working on building a church building. When someone asked them about their work, one said they were laying bricks, another said they were building a wall, and a third said I was building God's house. This story tells us that what you see will be your reality. And you have to choose to believe in your vision.

Even if you are a housekeeper working in a hotel, you should see yourself as the most critical employee. Your perspective and thinking will determine your reality, ultimately determining the results you achieve in life.

Unsuccessful people see the world as their current reality. They believe that they need help to reach a higher level of success. In contrast, successful people see things differently. They don't see things as they are, but they see things through their vision and believe that something better is always waiting for them. This is why successful people can achieve extraordinary things in life.

3. Learn from your mistakes
"Make success out of failure. Discouragement and failure are two escape routes to success." This is another principle of success that Carnegie shared with his students. He said that failure would not stop you but would help you move forward, so you should learn how to use it to achieve success.

In your journey to get what you want, you will face questions, setbacks, and disappointments. However, it would help if you did not block or agree with them. Instead, it would help if you learned to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way.

Napoleon Hill had a precious quote: "Every sorrow, every failure, every pain carries with its fruit of equal or greater value." Your job is to find the value in the problem. Many people fail to achieve their goals because they give up whenever they face difficulties. Your ability to bounce back from disappointment will determine how quickly you progress and how successful you are.

When SpaceX, the interplanetary travel company led by Elon Musk, suffered a rocket explosion during launch, they didn't give up or stop. Like other successful leaders, he learned from his mistakes and refined his strategy. Today, SpaceX has a 94% launch success rate. Its Falcon 9 rocket has failed 34 times in the last seven years and only twice. This is a significant increase and the largest increase in human history.

And this is what you must learn to achieve amazing things in your life. Take your failure as feedback and refine your plan to do better in the future.

4. Engage in learning
Why Dale Carnegie created training and study programs to help people who wanted to live a better life and believed that people should strive to learn and expand their souls to reach higher levels. He believes that learning is the foundation of success and the foundation of your story as a leader. Successful people always seek opportunities to learn, improve, and find new ways to achieve more.

When it comes to learning, you can't just wait for the 'right moment' or the solution to go instantly. Carnegie told his students, "Slowness breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to overcome fear, don't stay home and think about it. Go and work." do it." One of the best ways to learn is by doing.

Stop applying the "ready, aim and fire" approach; instead, use the "ready, fire and aim" approach. This means you get ready and jump into action. You can start at the perfect time. And when difficulties and challenges arise, you learn to deal with them along the way.

Most people stick to long-term goal setting. They want things to be perfect before they act. It is only possible to know when something is perfect. All you have to do is act quickly and learn on your way. Carnegie often told his students, "Today is the tomorrow you worry about tomorrow." So stop worrying so much and start working on your plan immediately.

When someone offers you a fantastic opportunity, and you don't know if you can, just say yes and learn how to do it later. More time to start. Learning and planning are essential, but don't let learning and planning stop you from moving forward.

5. Have fun doing the things you love
You've heard all the successful industry leaders talk about being passionate and loving. This is because passion is essential to what you do. Carnegie said that people only succeed in something once they are happy to do it. He told the truth again.

The man who reinvented the technology industry, Steve Jobs, also believed in hunger. In an interview, he said that success is very difficult, and most people give up when they fail. Only passionate people who love what they do will persevere and follow their dreams. That is why you must have a strong passion for your work.

Also, if you're not happy with your work, why are you doing it in the first place? There's no point in trying to do something you don't like. So, choose to work on something you love. Or try to develop a passion for what you do. You must realize that you will spend most of your life working, but you will live a miserable life if you don't enjoy your work.

Carnegie emphasized that passion is an essential requirement for standing out in the marketplace and that it is a quality for living a fulfilling life. Richard Branson also said that businesses should be engaging, fun, and able to tap into their creative instincts. If the company is not enjoyable, he will choose to leave and not do it. In short, enjoy what you do and find passion in your life.

6. Be compassionate
To make friends and influence people, you must learn to be empathetic. According to Carnegie, the only way to influence others is to talk about their wants and show them how to get them. And to achieve that, you need empathy.

Leadership requires understanding your people. Whether running a business, managing a team, or caring for your family, you must understand and show concern for others. Of course, you shouldn't do it for the sake of doing it. Always be honest and work from your heart to help you.

Influential leaders like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Franklin D. Roosevelt never misled people through deception. They found a way to create a win-win situation for both sides. You need to learn this if you want to become a great leader in your field.

Whenever possible, look for a win-win situation that benefits everyone. It may not be easy, but it is possible, and you need to be creative in creating workable solutions. And when you can do that, people will respect you, look up to you, and follow your path.

7. Make your impression
Dale Carnegie famously said, "If you want to be emotional, act passionately." Research has shown that your actions can create your emotions. This means that your posture, breathing pattern, and facial expressions can determine how you feel and how you feel at that moment.

When you change your body language, your feelings will also change. You must learn to use it to your advantage. Whenever you feel sad or have a negative sense, you can overcome it by changing your body movements and your physiology. For example, try to sit up straight, take deep breaths, and straighten your shoulders when you sleep. You will notice that the situation changes almost instantly.

Our body and mind are connected. This is why you will feel emotions even if they are inaccurate when watching a horror movie. When you imagine drinking lemon juice in your mind, your mouth will water more because your mind is making it a reality.

You can create your own emotions, so learn to control your emotions and create empowering situations that allow you to achieve better results. A great success coach, Anthony Robbins, said, "The difference between peak performance and poor performance isn't intelligence or ability. Most of the time, it's the state of your mind and body." This is why learning to manage your emotions and situation is essential. When you manage your emotions well, you can work faster and achieve more than most people.
Criticize criticize, doubt, or complain
Many people will fall victim to men criticizing, criticizing, or complaining when things don't meet their expectations. Carnegie also said in his book that there are better ways to handle things than this. He said, "Anycriticize, criticize, and complain—and many fools do.

You'll never be a great leader if you constantly criticise or criticise. Instead, try to understand and accept responsibility and credit others for their successes. Carnegie also said that performance and abilities wither under criticism but flourish under encouragement. So, he advised his students to grow with genuine appreciation from their hearts.

It is human nature to be appreciated and accepted. Once you accomplish something, you want others to appreciate you for your excellent work and effort. On the contrary, you will do everything you can to avoid criticism. No one likes hearing other people tell them they're not good enough.

If that's what you want, you must learn to accept other people's results. Haro Acker, the author of "The Secret of the Millionaire Mind", said in his book that people cannot have things they do not understand. If you didn't appreciate dogs, would you keep a dog as a pet? Not at all, and this is what many people do with money. They resent the rich, but they want to be rich. When what you want is against your values, you won't get it.

So, I appreciate the efforts of others from now on. You won't have much when you're angry. Most importantly, stop criticicriticizingcicriticizingmplaining about life.

9. Be sincere and honest
In the late 19th century, Charles M. Schwab rose from a day labourer to a famous company director under industrialist Andrew Carnegie, one of the wealthiest men in history. Andrew Carnegie paid Schwab $75,000, plus $1 million in cash, which was a lot of money then. Andrew Carnegie said the $75,000 annual salary was for Schwab's work and the $1 million for his pleasant demeanour to get others to do the job. This is the price of being sincere and honest.

The source is gratitude and motivation. Nothing beats the will of a person who likes criticism from superiors. I am not criticising. So I want to praise them, but I hate to find fault. If I like something, I'm happy in my belief and praise."

It is not enough to be young and thank others for their services. The important thing is that you must be honest and truthful. When you praise people, people will pick up on it, and the consequences will worsen. Warren Buffett once said, "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to destroy it." And the billionaire investor was right. You don't want to damage your reputation by being untruthful and dishonest.

10. Remember to laugh
In his classic book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Carnegie devoted an entire chapter to the power of a smile. A small smile from you is more than a great purpose. Laughing is easy, and anyone can do it without any effort. As you learned above, your facial expressions can control your mood. You set the tone for the day when you wake up every morning with a smile. You will feel good and happy all day long.

Also, you can use your infectious smile to impress others. When you smile, not only will you look good, but you'll make another day when you smile at them. Science has confirmed in study after study that your smile can positively affect others, and you can use it to fight the daily problems and struggles you face.

No one likes to work, and that doesn't generate good energy. Would you rather work with a leader who is always smiling or with someone quick to anger and fury? The answer is obvious. So remember to smile every day. It is one of the most powerful weapons one can possess, yet many people underestimate its power.

Make it a habit to smile more. Pastor Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church is the "smiling preacher." His message is broadcast 24 hours a day and receives more than 20 million views per month in 100 countries.

Here are the ten principles from best-selling author and self-help industry pioneer Dale Carnegie. He is an authentic master communicator, and if you apply the Carnegie principles of sharing the world, you will be able to change your life and live with passion.

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