How to read quickly? 11 Ways to Increase Your Reading Speed - Jobidea24 - Learn Everyday New



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Sunday, September 4, 2022

How to read quickly? 11 Ways to Increase Your Reading Speed

How to read quickly? 11 Ways to Increase Your Reading Speed

How to read quickly? 11 Ways to Increase Your Reading Speed ​​- Jobidea24

Do you have many books chasing you at every turn? Do you have to read a lot? Do you just want to study quickly, or do you want to study because of events or work?

If you want to speed up your studies to do them faster, these tips are for you.

11 Ways to Help You Read Faster

Here are 11 proven ways to help you speed up your reading.

1. Prevent internal monotony

Subvocalization, also known as subvocalization, is a common trait among readers. This is the process of talking in your head while you read, and it is a considerable obstacle to increasing your reading speed. If you hear voices in your head while reading, don't panic. You're good as long as your voice is reading along. This is how teachers teach children to read - say the words boldly in your head as you read. Do you remember the instruction, "Read in your head while I read the passage aloud," often given in class? It's a way to develop the habit of internal dialogue as a young reader. When you were first taught to read, you were taught to read everything and memorize things. Once you get good at it, your teacher has you start saying the words in your head. This is how the practice began, and many continue studying similarly. It only affects them in any way if they start reading faster. To speed up your reading, you must first learn this to win. The average speed of speech is the same. Because most people habitually talk aloud, they often read while talking. If you continue to work on the same word, your reading speed will increase significantly. If you want to continue improving your reading speed, clear it. To do this, you must understand one thing: it doesn't matter. You don't need to speak every word in your head to know what you're reading. That was when you were young, and now you can make out the meaning just by looking at the words. Your brain is still processing information. For example, when you see a "YIELD" sign, do you stop saying that word in your head? No way. Just check it, and it will be processed automatically. It happens when you read your books, like a book or a book. If this is difficult, try playing instrumental music on headphones or chewing gum. The distraction will keep your brain from focusing on the subvocalization, even though you must still see and process the words.

2. To make a speech. to speak

Summarize words by ​​eliminating one word from within. This practice of reading many words at a time is the key to speed reading. These reading tips go hand in hand, but critical vocabulary may be the most effective tool for increasing your reading speed. A person can receive many words simultaneously, although we are trained - as it is called in internal monologue - to read each word at once and not skip a single article. Using your external perspective is one way to make this step more accessible, but we'll get to that in the next section. For now, focus on trying to read three words at a glance. Continue like this on the floor, moving quickly throughout the text. You can process and understand what you read, but it takes less time. Now, take this idea a step further. Take a pencil and draw two small horizontal lines on your page, dividing the text into three parts. Start at the top left of the page as usual, and cover everything below that line with your hand or a piece of paper. Focus on reading the text in each section as one. Match the words together and read them at a glance while making road signs. Continue this work on the page, moving the document as is. You will notice that your speed is faster than before. Continue this process until you feel comfortable enough to challenge yourself.

3. Don't read the words on the page

Before we move on to the external approach part - the real kicker - you'll want to stop reading the words on this page. Watching ordinary people reading, you will see them jumping and waving. They are not flowing correctly as they should be. That's because the average person—you, too—tends to return to words they've already read. This is something that prevents you from being able to increase your reading speed. You'll likely do it without even realizing you're doing it, which makes it a hard habit to break. Although it may seem childish, the easiest way is to guide you with your finger or a bookmark. Move your finger back and forth across the page without pausing or going back. Follow the words as your finger moves down the text. When you get to the end, think about what you are reading. You didn't repeat a comment (I hope!), but you still remember what you read.

4. Use peripheral vision

Congratulations! You've reached the critical step that ties everything together. While this may not be the final step, it is undoubtedly essential. Use all the techniques above to check and understand multiple words simultaneously. Instead of grouping words together, try reading one line at a time. This involves looking between the lines and using your peripheral vision to read the rest. Browse the page like this, and when you get to the bottom, you'll find that you still understand what you read, but you did it in record time.

5. Use time

Speaking of 'record time, now is your chance to test yourself and work out how to improve your studying every time you look. Set a one-minute timer, counting down as the time ticks down. When the timer stops, note how many pages you read. A website, WordstoPages, will help you track how many words you've read. Now, consolidate what you have learned and repeat the test. Write that number also. Keep doing this, and beat your previous numbers each time. Make a daily or weekly goal for yourself, and treat yourself when you achieve it. Keep up with this little game, and you'll be able to increase your reading speed quickly!

6. Set goals

Coping with the questions will ensure you stick to your study and exam time. Please give yourself a target number of pages per day/week/etc., and stick to it. Treat yourself when you get to it. Privileges never hurt anyone!

7. Read more

The adage, "practice makes perfect," is indeed quite true. Every professional, artist, musician, etc., always does his job. The reader should do the same. The more you read, the more you will grasp it, and the better your reading speed will be. Theodore Roosevelt read a book before breakfast, then three or four more in the evening. He also read books and other textbooks, like pamphlets. I don't know how long these books were, but I imagine they were long. Use his mind as fuel for your purposes.

8. Use symbols

Do you notice your vision flowing and moving across the page as you read? This is fine. Place an index card under each line and tap it as you read. It will keep you reading one line at a time instead of jumping in and out.

9. Work on improving your speech

Think about it: you're studying and encountering a word you don't know. Are you jumping on it? Are you trying to figure it out from the environment? Did you stop watching it? Every step you take reduces your time significantly if you don't prevent solving the problems slowing you down. If you work on improving your vocabulary, you will become more fluent. The more words you add to your journal, the faster you read. The faster you read, the more you can read.

10. Clear the first points

Finally, when you're in a bad mood and want to catch up on what you read yesterday, take a deep breath and relax. Open the book, take your time, and read all the points. Read the table of contents. Read the vocabulary list. Read the caption below the picture. Get the full effect for main/section/etc.

Again, read the first paragraph of each section. Read last. Read in between. Think about it in your mind, and break it down.

11. Read with purpose

Do you have a goal before you start studying?

Remember that goal when reading, whether it's to find out how the story goes, learn a new skill, or get some answers. Reading with a clear intention or purpose motivates you to keep reading. Especially when you're reading a self-help book, asking some questions can help you get your answers or insights faster.

Final Thoughts

Start reading using the methods we've discussed so far. You will keep your information clear and improve your reading speed. The next time you want to scan something, say, "Close this page and look!"

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